



Hello and welcome to Imagine the Image (ITI) framing services based in Exmouth, Western Australia.

At Imagine the Image we are dedicated to creating that perfect overall effect whether it is one of our hand-crafted frames to compliment that treasured piece of art, or one of your own personal photographs. How about a ready to hang framed photograph from one of our large range of high-resolution photographs? There are also many pieces of one-of-a-kind artworks that can be framed too. We have been keen photographers for several years and although specialising in nature and Astro photography we can also hunt down and capture nearly any images that you may request. From a tropical beach shot so that on those dreary days you can look at it and be whisked away and pretend you are there, or maybe a forest scene that reminds you of those lovely walks in the woods. Your imagination is the only limiting factor. If you can imagine the image, we can supply it. 

We provide a bespoke framing service with an array of choices. Things to consider when purchasing framing are:

  • Type of Wood

  • Mounting Size

  • Colours of Wood & Mount Board

  • Type of Glass or PVC

We can make suggestions about which combinations to choose to match the item you would like framing whether it be a photograph, painting or keepsake.

Contact us today for a quote: 0437 058944



We can supply either the whole picture or any individual parts that you need. There is a huge range of individual items to choose from. Just the glazing has so many choices, from clear glass for the budget option to the other extreme of the museum grade that will protect whatever is behind it from that nasty ultraviolet light that will slowly try and fade anything it shines on.

There are also varied types of acrylic instead of glass, both the acrylic and glass having the options of reflection reduction technology and the UV protection.

There is a wide range of matt board colours to choose from which is the boarder around the actual picture and this can be as wide or narrow as you wish or even have two different colours to create another layer in the frame.

What is actually being framed will be the biggest factor that will affect this decision.

Then we move onto the frame itself, there are again just so many options that we can either buy as lengths then make into your custom sized frame, or we can make your frame from nearly any type of timber, starting with dressed lengths then cut and contoured. We have many different types of contours that we can cut into the timber to make that either simple or intricate profile. This can then either have a clear varnish, be stained or even painted depending on your requirements. Everything is then finished off with high quality foam backing board either 3mm or 5mm thick, then all taped up to keep it sealed from moisture and other potential harmful airborne contaminates. 



"It seems to me that the natural world is the greatest source of excitement; the greatest source of visual beauty; the greatest source of intellectual interest. It is the greatest source of so much in life that makes life worth living."
Sir David Attenborough



We like to go out and explore the Ningaloo and beyond, to appreciate the wildlife that resides in Western Australia. We have a selection of photographs available for sale, take a look here:


We now are in the market of not just producing quality pictures, but also quality frames either with one of our many pictures you can choose from, or we can print out one of your treasured photos or just frame whatever it is you love so much that you are looking at this web site and thinking of framing. With the choice of materials being so massively varied and with all the individual elements involved in the framing the only thing holding you back is your imagination.

Imagine the Image and we supply it. 


0437 058944